Online Booking
Choose the date and time of arrival, as well as your number of seats and language spoken! If the table is available, it will be reserved for you, we will be delighted to welcome you...
CHECK AVAILABILITIESChoose the date and time of arrival, as well as your number of seats and language spoken! If the table is available, it will be reserved for you, we will be delighted to welcome you...
le Blanc Nez
Our restaurant is located at Sangatte beach, at the gateway to the site of 2 Caps, close to the site of 2 Caps
Variation de poissons et lentilles corail
Les 9 huitres n°3
La Cassolette de Saint Jacques
Salmon with pears and Roquefort
La Marmite de Lotte et ses petits légumes
Le Filet de Bœuf , sauce Poivre
Skate with Cappers
La Sole Meunière (sup 6 euros)
L’ Assiette de Fromages ou le Dessert au choix
Le cocktail de crevettes
La Soupe de Poissons maison
L’assiette de charcuterie
Home made Pate
Le toast de chèvre chaud
La pièce de viande au poivre, Roquefort
La Ballotine de Poissons aux Crevettes
The Flemish Carbonade
Les Moules avec Frites sauce au choix
(marinière, roquefort, crème ail, façon Bouillabaisse)
Ile Flottante, Mousse au chocolat
La crème Brulée, Le dessert du moment
Glace 3 Parfums , Glace liégeoise au café ou chocolat , Dame Blanche
Tous nos plats à la carte, ainsi que nos plateaux de fruits de mer peuvent être emportés, avec une remise de 5%.
9,50€ pour les – de 8 ans
€ 13.50 for over 10 + de 8 ans
One Dish, one sweet
and one drink 25cl
Mussels and Chips
La petite pièce de viande du moment
Le Poisson du Moment
Le plateau de fruits de mer classique 39,00€par personne
4 oysters, whelks, periwinkles, pink shrimps,
gray shrimps, 3 langoustines,
1/2 crab
The Royal seafood platter 59,00€par personne
1/2 lobster, 1/2 crab, 3 langoustines, 4 oysters, whelks, periwinkles, pink shrimps, gray shrimps.
crevettes grises.
The winter seafood platter 39,00€par personne
5 langoustines, 6 oysters, whelks, periwinkles, pink shrimps, gray shrimps.
crevettes grises.
Grilled Lobsters 11,50€for 100g
600g / 700g and more depending on arrival
1/2 Cold Crab Mayonnaise 14.00€
The 12 Oysters n°3 27.00€
The 6 Oysters n°3 13.50€
Plate of Prawns
pink and gray14.50€
Plate of Winkles
and Prawns14.50€
Plate of Fisherman 18.50€
Prawns, shrimps, winkles, welks, 2 Oysters
Grilled Lobster
Price according to course and weight0.00€
*** Tous nos plats sont servis avec garniture de légumes.
Fish and shellfish according to arrival.
Service included.
Contact Us
If you have a question, you can use the form below.
Attention, this is not a booking form. To book please use the reservation system: right here.
Le Blanc Nez
Choose the date and time of arrival, as well as your number of seats and language spoken! If the table is available, it will be reserved for you, we will be delighted to welcome you...